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Icons Library_Wave_180x180_Optional services

Formulation, packaging, and kitting

We offer a wide range of services—and because our team works in a controlled, clean environment—we ensure proper sample preparation and handling. Overall, these services help you to conduct your research confidently and consistently.


Featured formulation services

The following formulation services can be selected for certain products during the online ordering process.

ServiceDescriptionDetailsCompatible products
LabReady oligo serviceOligos are resuspended to a fixed concentration prior to shipmentConcentration: 100 µM
Resuspension reagent: IDTE, pH 8.0
DNA oligos
Ultramer™ DNA Oligos
SameDay™ Oligos
Custom formulationOligos can be provided dry at a specific amount or resuspended to your specified concentration or volume in a reagent of your choiceConcentration: TBD
Resuspension reagents: IDTE, pH 8.0; IDTE, pH 7.5; or Nuclease-Free Water
All products
RxnReady™ primer pools (mixing fee)2 custom DNA oligos are premixed in a single tube or plate wellConcentration: TBD
Resuspension reagents: IDTE, pH 8.0; IDTE, pH 7.5; Nuclease-Free Water
25, 100, 250 nmol DNA oligos

Additional services

Besides the featured formulations listed above, you have access to a variety of custom services including:

  • Custom aliquots (tubes) and replicates (plates) of the same oligos, mixes, or duplexes across many vessels
  • Flexible plate and tube options that fit directly into your workflow
  • Deep or shallow well plates; 96- or 384-well, barcoded matrix plates; Labcyte Echo® Qualified Microplates; PCR plates
  • Tubes of varying volumes and shapes
  • A wide variety of dilution solutions
  • Custom label designs
  • Custom kitting and packaging

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