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CRISPR Products for Gene Editing

Empower your genome editing from design to analysis with IDT’s complete CRISPR workflow. Our optimized Cas9 and Cas12a systems, customizable gRNAs, HDR solutions, and analysis tools are backed by expert support for success at every stage.

"We have been very impressed with the characteristics of Alt-R HiFi Cas9 Nuclease, particularly its consistent on-target editing and low off-target activity. We are excited to use this version in our future experiments focused on developing novel genome editing-based therapies for severe diseases with unmet medical needs."

Dr. Matt Porteus

Principal Investigator

Cas9 vs. Cas12a CRISPR products

IDT’s Alt-R CRISPR-Cas9 System revolutionized genome editing by making it faster and more efficient, while our Alt-R CRISPR-Cas12a (Cpf1) System expands editing potential to additional genomic regions.
Key Specifications
Cas9 System
Cas12a System
Applications General Genome Editing
  • For species with AT-rich genomes
  • For regions with limiting design space for use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system
Ribonucleoprotein components
  • gRNA options:
    1. crRNA and tracrRNA
    2. sgRNA
  • Cas9 endonuclease
  • crRNA
  • Cas12a endonuclease
  • Wild-type
  • HiFi
  • Nickases (H840A and D10A)
  • Wild-type
  • Ultra (Improved performance)
Cas9 crRNA:tracrRNA (option 1)
  • Native: 42 nt
  • Alt-R: 35-36 nt (36 nt recommended)
  • Native: 89 nt
  • Alt-R: 67 nt
Cas9 sgRNA (option 2)
  • Alt-R: 99-100 nt (100 nt recommended)
Cas12a crRNA __
  • Native: 42-44 nt
  • Alt-R: 40-44 nt (41 nt recommended)
CRISPR enzyme
  • Class 2, Cas type II
  • M.W.*: 162,200 g/mol
  • Endonuclease domains: RuvC-like and HNH
  • Class 2, Cas type V
  • M.W.*: 156,400 g/mol
  • Endonuclease domain: RuvC-like only
DNA cleavage
  • Wild-type and HiFi: Blunt-ended cut 3 bases upstream of the protospacer sequence
  • D10A nickase with paired gRNAs: 5’ overhang
  • H840A nickase with paired gRNAs: 3’ overhang
  • PAM site often destroyed during genome editing
  • 5’ overhanging cut on the 5’ side of the protospacer sequence
  • PAM site may be preserved after genome editing
PAM sequence
  • NGG
  • TTTV for Cas12a V3
  • TTTN for Cas12a Ultra
Current recommendations for Alt-R RNP delivery
  • Lipid-mediated transfection
  • Electroporation (Alt-R enhancer recommended)
  • Microinjection
  • Electroporation (Alt-R enhancer recommended)
  • Microinjection

* Molecular weight of Alt-R nuclease
N = any base; V = A, C, or G

IDT does not sell gene therapy kits, and nothing sold by IDT should be construed as a gene therapy kit. Customers should not use any IDT products for self-administration.

CGMP gRNA products are manufactured in accordance with ICH Q7, 21CFR210, 211, and parts of 600. IDT engineering runs and CGMP gRNA are for development and investigational use only. The performance characteristics of this product have not been established.  This product is not intended to be used as final drug product. The purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the intended use of the product and any associated legal or regulatory obligations.